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Saturday 24 October 2015

All 9 Subspecies of Tigers

All 9 Subspecies of Tigers

Tigers are the largest members of the cat family (Felidae) and one of the most charismatic endangered species on the planet.

Over the last century, tiger numbers have fallen by about 95 percent and tigers now survive in 40 percent less of the area they occupied just a decade ago, according to the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).

Tigers have the species name Panthera tigris. There are nine subspecies of tigers, three of which are extinct.

A meeting set to begin in Russia on Sunday (Nov. 21) will examine some of the issues facing tigers in the wild and efforts to better conserve the six surviving tiger subspecies. Here we look at what sets each of these species apart. 

1.Amur (or Siberian) tiger (Panthera tigris altaica)

Amur tigers (also known as Siberian, Manchurian, Ussurian, or Northeast China tigers) are the largest of the tiger subspecies. Males can grow up to more10.5 feet (3.3 m) from head to tail and weigh up to 660 pounds (300 kilograms). Females are smaller, reaching just 8.5 feet (2.6 m) in length and about 200 to 370 pounds (100 to 167 kilograms) in weight.

2.Indian (or Bengal) tiger (Panthera tigris tigris)


The most numerous of the tiger species, the Bengal tiger is found in India, Bangladesh, Nepal and Bhutan. India is home to the largest population, estimated to between 2,500 and 3,750 individuals, according to the Save the Tigers Fund.

3.South China tiger (Panthera tigris amoyensis)

Found in central and eastern China, the South China tiger is listed as Critically Endangered on the Red List one step higher than Endangered.
According to the WWF, the South China tiger is estimated to be functionally extinct. Currently 47 South China tigers live in 18 zoos, all in China, the WWF says.

4.Malayan tiger (Panthera tigris jacksoni)

The Malayan tiger was only identified as being a separate subspecies from the Indochinese tiger in 2004. It is very similar to the Indochinese tiger, but is smaller in size.

Malayan tigers are found in the tropical and subtropical moist broadleaf forests of the southern tip of Thailand and Peninsular Malaysia.

5.Indo-Chinese tiger (Panthera tigris corbetti)

Also known as Corbett's tiger, after British hunter and naturalist Jim Corbett, this subspecies is found in Cambodia, Laos, Burma, Thailand, and Vietnam and formerly in China. They are listed as endangered on the IUCN Red List.

6.Sumatran tiger (Panthera tigris sumatrae)

Found only on the Indonesian island of Sumatra, the Sumatran tiger is listed as Critically Endangered on the Red List.

Sumatran tigers are protected by law in Indonesia, with tough provisions for jail time and steep fines, according to the WWF. But despite conservation and anti-poaching efforts, tigers are still hunted and tiger parts and skins remain in high demand.

7.Bali tiger (Panthera tigris balica) - EXTINCT

One of the three extinct subspecies of tiger, the Bali tiger went extinct in the 1940's, according to the Save the Tigers Fund.

Tigers were last positively recorded in western Bali in the late 1930s, according to the IUCN.

The causes of extinction include hunting, loss of forest habitat and loss of their prey base. None of these tigers exist in captivity.

8.Javan tiger (Panthera tigris sondaica) - EXTINCT

This now-extinct species inhabited the Indonesian island of Java into the 1980's.

Tigers were last positively recorded from Java's Meru Betiri National Park in 1976, and likely disappeared from much of the rest of the island by the 1940s, according to the IUCN.

9.Caspian tiger (Panthera tigris virgata) - EXTINCT

The Caspian tiger (also called the Hyrcanian tiger or Turan tiger) became extinct in the 1970's.

Caspian Tigers and their large ungulate prey were found in the sparse forest habitats and riverine corridors west (Turkey) and south (Iran) of the Caspian Sea and west through Central Asia into the Takla Makan desert of Xinjiang, China, according to the IUCN.

Its extinction can be attributed to hunting of both tigers and their prey, habitat loss and conversion, and increased vulnerability of small populations.

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