Pets Are awesome!


Tuesday 20 October 2015

Top 5 Best House Pets

I think dogs are friendly and loving. As they say " A mans best friend is a dog" I agree. I have the cutest cairn terrier. He is loving and when we take him for walks he always gets complements on how cute he is. He also does not tear up the carpet and make foot prints in the carpet. When has wet feet he knows he has wet he runs into his cage and waits until he has dry feet. So dogs are definitely a great house pet.
Beautiful, dutiful, happy, good, loyal, bests friend, playful, loves you the way you are, protects family, there for you when you are sad, know to show best greetings when you come home! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH!
Man's best friend! Will always be there for you, eager to obey, loving, loyal. If you want a pet to be part of the family, no animal can take the dog's place. Horses and other farm animals are too big to live 24/7 in the house with you, caged/tanked animals like fish, birds, reptiles, etc can't always be with you when you're watching T.V., going for a jog, at night curled next to you, etc. Cats are pretty darn close, but when it comes down to it, it's really the dog that shines as the most family-type pet.
Dogs are caring and take care of you really well! They love you so much!
Cats are so much better than dogs because:-Cats clean themselves and have better hygiene
-Cats don't need to be walked, but sometimes you can train them to take walks outside (I've seen it before)
-Cats can learn just as many tricks as dogs. My grandma's old cat used to play fetch all the time.
-Cats can sit on your lap. Only small dogs can do this.
-Cats don't wake your neighbors.
-You don't need to take them out every few hours JUST to go to the bathroom.
-Cats are much cuter than dogs.
-Dogs kill and hurt people more in a year than cats would in a lifetime. I would know, since my mom got attacked by a pitbull (God, I hate large dogs like those).
-Cats are safer than dogs. Meaning, they are most likely not to pounce on guests or scare kids. My little brother is afraid of dogs but he thinks my cats are adorable.
-Cats can get feisty, but you will barely get hurt. When my cats are feisty, they barely make a scratch.
-Cats can nibble on your arms!
I've owned and loved both dogs and cats. Your cat comments are true, but your dog comments are ignorant. I sympathize for your bad experience and fear, but because of these, you hate all dogs. How sad and how unfair. Dogs help many more people than they harm.
Cats are very loving and snuggly, but also independent, so you don't have to provide them all of your attention all of the time like you do with a lot of dogs. They are self-sufficient for the most part, able to be left alone for a weekend trip and never need to be "walked" at 2AM in the snow. I have had several cats that also enjoyed learning tricks, including "fetch" and "shake, " although I wouldn't consider this the norm.
By the way by statistics the amount of cats found in homes is much greater than dogs. There is most likely to be more than one cat in a cat household, rather than a dog in a dog household. CATS AND TORTOISES RULE! My cat(male)- Johnik(Johnny) and tortoise(female)-Jessica! LOVE!
Cats scratch you a lot
Rabbits are great house companions. They are not too much work and they are good pets for kids. They are really gentle and they clean their selves. And if your rabbit does get in trouble you won't get too mad at it because of it's cute face. I like cats, but I like rabbits more. Once my pet rabbit almost got eaten by a dog. Those dumb dogs! Why are they at the top?!? Here are some reasons why rabbits are (and cats) are better than dogs: 1. Rabbits, like cats clean and don't smell. 2. Rabbits are less expensive then dogs (my bunny was free but the only thing that costed money was the vet appointment) 3. Rabbits are bundles of joy, they hop to your feet and twitch their whiskers. 4. Rabbits don't make any noise. Dogs bark when you are watching T.V. shows and movies. And they bark all night. (I know because my friend who just got a dog and she told me that) 5. Dogs slobber and puppies pee and poo on the floor. 6. Rabbits and cats are way cuter then dogs. Dogs and puppies always look.
Don't extol the virtues of rabbits (and cats) by slandering dogs. You just appear jealous, nasty and ignorant. Dogs come in more sizes and variations than any other domestic animal, including small and cute ones. Dogs are the truest friends, loving, forgiving, and grateful. They guard, hunt, herd livestock, haul sleds, perform in sports, assist the handicapped, do search and rescue (and save lives), apprehend criminals, and detect bombs, narcotics, cancer, and termites. Dogs are wonderful.
Beautiful animals, friendly, funny ears and always twitching.
they are so soft and cute! -
Rabbits are so cute!
Hamsters are good pets I've had one before. I'm thinking about getting one more because there so easy to look after and there cheep. Hamsters are not good for children under 6. I have a friend that breeds them and he says that there very easy to breed so unless you what baby's keep males and females apart also don't put two males together because they will fight once my cousins hamster almost died. So I would recommend a hamster as a pet.
I just love hamsters so much! -
I had a hamster and they are adorable and easy to take care of they are also soft and cuddly.
I haven't actually seen one but I am sure they are cute and friendly!
Blue tongue skinks are the BEST lizard to have as a pet. Very docile and you don't have to feed bugs! They eat dog food and vegi's! (With calcium and vitamin supplements. ) You don't have to feed them every day. They love to cuddle. Best of all, they live up to 25 years!
My favorite lizard is bearded dragon
So bearded dragon should be 1 not to be mean
I have a leopard gecko and I can honestly say I think it's the best pet anybody can have!
Lizards stinks and they freak me out!

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